Compassion Fatigue Resiliency

The 3RsC’s Compassion Fatigue Initiative, Dr. Megan LaFollette, and Lauren Young have given numerous presentations on compassion fatigue resiliency that you can view at your leisure below.

2023 - October - National AALAS Tecniplast Welcome Reception - Caring for Our People, Caring for Our Animals: NA3RsC's Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Initiative

At National AALAS 2023, Dr. Megan LaFollette spoke about compassion fatigue resiliency at the Tecniplast Welcome Reception.

Click here for a PDF of the slide deck & click here for a PDF of the companion discussion guide

2022 - October - National AALAS Session - Caring for Our People, Caring for Our Animals: NA3RsC's Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Initiative

At National AALAS 2022, five members of NA3RsC’s Compassion Fatigue Initiative gave a deep dive into our compassion fatigue resiliency program with lots of examples and advice for practical use.

Click here for a PDF of the slide deck.

  • Introduction to the NA3RsC & Compassion Fatigue – Dr. Megan LaFollette
  • Establishing a Compassion Fatigue Committee & Getting Leadership Buy-In – Dr. Sally Thomspon-Iritani
  • A Manager’s Role in a Wellness Program – Dr. Vanessa Lee
  • Group Activity Ideas to Build Resiliency – Dr. Rhonda MacAllister
  • Passive Learning Resources – Sarah Thurston

2022 - May - Building Compassion Fatigue Resiliency

In this interactive webinar, NA3RsC’s Program Director, Dr. Megan LaFollette offers a sneak peek at our recently developed Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Starter Pack. She also shares preliminary data from NA3RsC’s longitudinal study on the efficacy of implementing a program. Finally she gives updates on NA3RsC’s other initiatives and how they relate to resiliency.

2022 - February - Tech Week Talk

In this 45 minute talk, Dr. LaFollette describes why compassion fatigue is so common for animal research personnel, what it is, and strategies to promote resiliency for both individuals & institutions. She also discusses how promoting the 3Rs can also improve compassion fatigue resiliency

2020 - April - Research & Commentary

In this webinar, Dr. Megan LaFollette describes results from her survey. Dr. Cindy Buckmaster also gives commentary and perspectives from the Animal Research field. Co-hosted by SUBR & AMP. Listen here.