Microphysiological Systems Webinar Series

3RC-MPS & IQ-MPS Collaboration

What are the 3RC-MPS & IQ-MPS Webinars?

Beginning December of 2021, the 3Rs Collaborative (3RsC) and International Consortium for Innovation & Quality (IQ) Microphysiological Systems (MPS) groups worked together to establish a webinar series. This webinar series aims to facilitate communication between MPS stakeholders, specifically technology providers and end-users.

Webinars are composed of a series of 15-minute long presentations from each company, followed by a 30 minute long question & answer roundtable.

Our webinars now occur on a quarterly basis. Webinars for 2024 are planned for March, May, September & November via Microsoft Teams.

Upcoming Webinar

Our next webinars will occur on September 17, 2024 & November 12, 2024. Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks.

Perspectives on MPS cells & suppliers – Sep 17, 2024

Oncology MPS – Nov 12, 2024

Past Webinar Recordings

Our webinar series began in December 2021, and since we have hosted a total of 8 webinars focused on various MPS organ systems and disease states. All webinars have been recorded, and recordings can be found below as well as on our YouTube channel here

Your Webinar Hosts

The 3Rs Collaborative MPS Initiative & the International Consortium-MPS

Any Questions?

Contact Lauren Young, the 3RsC at laurenyoung@3rc.org