Join Us

By becoming a paid member of 3RsC, you make it possible for us to develop impactful 3Rs resources for the entire community while also gaining specific benefits for your organization. If your organization prefers to engage in sponsorships or grants, just reach out to so we can start that process.

Institutional Memberships

We offer four levels to best meet the needs of your organization and your budget. Remember that all members of the research community are eligible to access our free 3Rs resources listed at the bottom of this page and that your paid membership helps support make those offerings possible.


  • Approval & templates demonstrating your 3Rs commitments to internal/external stakeholders. The 3RsC will provide you with our logo, suggested text, and a sample editable slide that can be used to highlight your membership with us via internal and external communication such as on your website, internal newsletters, internal or external presentations, and on social media. These demonstrate a visible commitment to the 3Rs to your internal staff.
  • Logo featured on 3RsC website, annual report, & presentations (optional). The 3RsC website attracts >24,000 views annually and is a valuable resource hub for the 3Rs. We present at scientific venues across the globe and feature your logo on a sponsor slide.
  • Optional & upon application approval, membership in one of our paid initiatives (Translational Digital Biomarkers, Microphysiological Systems, Artificial Intelligence), valued at $1000. Membership includes access to the initiative’s MS Teams site with key documentation, the opportunity to participate in monthly meetings, and your logo in relevant technology showcases. These initiatives connect end-users & technology providers and help drive industry efforts. They also publish consensus-driven publications together. *Can add on additional memberships for $1000 each
  • Opportunity to add on a 1-hour virtual joint webinar hosting, training, or consulting session with the 3RsC for an additional $1000. Must be data-driven and 3Rs related. Exact details must be discussed with 3RsC Staff.
Rates: Non-profit ($500), For-Profit ($1000)


  • Previous benefits, plus
  • Upon application approval, membership in additional paid initiatives, valued at $1000 each.
  • Newsletter Logo Feature: Permission to include our logo and brief personalized text in your internal newsletter and/or inclusion of your logo in at least 8 of our newsletters that are delivered to >3,500 research professionals a month.
  • Professional development discounts. A discount on registration for our annual 3Rs Sharing Conference.
Rates: Non-profit ($2,500), For-Profit ($5,000)


  • Previous benefits, plus
  • Newsletter Feature Story. Your institution can choose to have 3RsC staff (or your staff) to write a feature story about your institution’s commitment to the 3Rs for publication in either your internal or our external-facing newsletter.
  • Up to 4 hours of consulting or training from 3RsC, valued at $2,400. We can provide personalized virtual training, consultation calls, or the preparation of personalized resources for your institution. These programs include topics related to any of our initiatives such as compassion fatigue, rodent health monitoring, human behavior change, microphysiological systems, refinement, rat tickling, refining mouse handling, etc
Rates: Non-profit ($5,000+), For-Profit ($10,000+)


  • Previous benefits, plus
  • Up to 8 hours of consulting or training from 3RsC, valued at $4,800. Provide your institution even more customized training opportunities from the 3RsC.
Rates: Non-profit ($10,000+), For-Profit ($20,000+)

Join Us

Reach out to to schedule a meeting with our Executive Director to discuss membership or for an invoice to pay via check or wire transfer. 

Or make a payment online through our system:


Individual Memberships

To join us as an individual, please donate here. A tax creditable receipt will be issued for all donations. You will have the option of being listed by name on our membership page and/or annual report.

Additional Benefits of Joining

By supporting the 3RsC, you support the development of many open-access resources for your staff and the entire research community. As these resources are not locked behind a paywall, they are easily and immediately accessible for everyone in the scientific community.

Resource Pages & Hubs

We create 3Rs resource pages (currently >30 published) on topics ranging from species-specific house & husbandry tips to extensive advice for implementing refined mouse handling and environmental health monitoring to translational digital biomarkers, microphysiological systems, and compassion fatigue resiliency. Our resource hubs are actionable, evidence-based and practical-focused to help create important 3Rs changes.

Conferences & Webinars

We coordinate and present several free webinars and conference(s) each year including NJABR’s 3Rs Seminar Series, for NC3Rs, PRIM&R, AALAS, ACLAM, MPS World Summit, 3D Tissue Summit etc.. We present on topics across all 3Rs from compassion fatigue to refined mouse handling to replacement of soiled bedding sentinels and microphysiological systems.

Newsletter & Social Media

Our newsletter is a highly engaging resource for professionals dedicated to the 3Rs. Each month, we send several emails highlighting important 3Rs techniques and resources to help make the switch. Additionally, one a month we collate North American relevant resources from other 3Rs institutions. These mailings help research professionals easily stay abreast of relevant 3Rs related opportunities.

We also post regular small pieces of 3Rs content on LinkedIn and X. This includes key tips for enriching common species, reminders of upcoming conferences and webinars, and so much more.

Free Initiatives

Four of our initiatives are completely free to join. This allows us to facilitate impactful 3Rs opportunities between the most highly qualified individuals in the field, not just those at institutions that are current members.

See Next

The 3Rs:

What are they and how do our initiatives address them?