Nilogen Oncosystems

Provision of untouched intact tumor tissue platform to allow for the investigation of clinical relevant biomarkers, mechanism of action, safety and efficacy of therapeutics.

Dynamic42 GmbH

Dynamic42 has developed a PDMS-free, easy-to-handle, affordable OoC platform. We specialize in vascular, liver, lung and intestinal biology and infection models. We further enable scientists with training courses to establish their own OoC models.


AlveoliX has developed an adaptable organ-on-chip platform that enables the modelling of all tissue barriers, including the associated mechanical forces. Our technology is suitable for a wide range of applications including drug safety and efficacy testing, inhalation toxicology assessment and answering fundamental research questions. Our technology can be implemented in your laboratory, or utilised through our CRO services

SynVivo, Inc.

Organ-on-Chip models from SynVivo recreate complex microvasculature including scale, morphology, hemodynamic shear stress, and cellular interactions in a perfused microfluidic chip environment. Validated models include Air Liquid Interface for Lung, Blood-Brain Barrier, Tumor, DIVI, Inflammation.

Hesperos Inc.

Hesperos is accelerating drug discovery by providing safety and efficacy testing services using its Human-on-a-Chip, microphysiological system. This breakthrough technology enables unprecedented preclinical insight bringing better therapies to patients faster without the need for animal testing.