
InSphero is the pioneer of industrial-grade, 3D-microtissue-based assay solutions and scaffold-free 3D organ-on-a-chip technology. The company specializes in liver toxicology, metabolic diseases (e.g., T1 & T2 diabetes and NAFLD & NASH liver disease), and immuno oncology.

Lena Biosciences

Lena Biosciences offers Perfused Organ Panel MPS with a Blood Substitute hemoglobin analog that yields a log-fold increase in CYP450 activity in primary human hepatocytes to identify mitotoxic metabolites and DILI. Services focus on efficacy and toxicity in liver, brain, tumor, and blood models.

Hesperos Inc.

Hesperos is accelerating drug discovery by providing safety and efficacy testing services using its Human-on-a-Chip, microphysiological system. This breakthrough technology enables unprecedented preclinical insight bringing better therapies to patients faster without the need for animal testing.

CN Bio

CN Bio is a leading bioengineering company specializing in single and multi-organ microphysiological systems and innovative lab technologies. We aim to provide systems that generate clinically translatable data that can enhance the development of tomorrow’s medicines.


TissUse is a Berlin, Germany-based, biotechnology company who has developed a unique HUMIMIC Multi-Organ-Chip platform for advanced toxicity testing and cutting-edge disease modelling.

Altis Biosystems

Altis Biosystems has developed a stem cell platform that recreates the human intestinal epithelium, using proliferative stem cells and terminally differentiated cells. These cells are sourced from transplant-grade intestine. It is a high-throughput format, ideal for drug screening.

Curi Bio

Curi’s suite of human iPSC-derived products and services enable scientists to build more mature and predictive human iPSC-derived tissues—with a focus on cardiac, musculoskeletal, and neuromuscular models—for the discovery, safety testing, and efficacy testing of new drugs in development.


Mimetas develops high-throughput healthy and diseased organ-on-a-chip models in the OrganoPlate®, a screening-compatible microfluidics platform that supports the recreation of native tissue structures, and their interaction with compounds, signaling factors, disease triggers, and co-cultured cell types.