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Promoting the highest standards of housing, husbandry, and procedures in laboratory animal care.
Stimulating refinement related knowledge, research, and impactful interactions in North America and beyond.

To identify, curate, and promote evidence-based refinement resources to improve animal welfare and scientific rigor.
- To create valuable high-level resource pages for the most common laboratory species and procedures.
- To promote non-aversive handling of mice (i.e., tunnel handling or cupping) via a widespread survey to benchmark and determine barriers, a panel talk, and a resource page
- Act as a resource/consulting group for institutions that would like an outside review of their research protocols to identify areas of refinement.
Anyone interested in collaborating to curate and create scientifically-based refinement materials
- Researchers
- Managers
- Veterinarians
- Laboratory technicians/animal caretakers
- Internal/regulatory decision-makers
- Animal welfare evaluators
- Other stakeholders
Send a brief statement of interest and your CV/resume to the initiative leadership.
Initiative Leadership Contact Information
Sarah Thurston, sthursto “at”