The efficacy of environmental health monitoring is strongly supported by published, peer-reviewed scientific literature. This is made clear in the 2024 Systematic Review of Environmental Health Monitoring published the 3RsC initiative. This publication summarizes the findings from 42 different publications and concludes that all types of EHM are superior to soiled bedding sentinels at detective pathogens – regardless of pathogen taxonomic classification.
This article includes several helpful resources for the implementation of EHM:
We recommend starting your reading about EHM with this summary article that is linked below:
LaFollette ML, Clement CS, Luchins KR, Manuel CA, Foley PL, Hanson WH, Pettan-Brewer C, Winn CB, Garner JP. Do we still need a canary in the coal mine for laboratory animal facilities? A systematic review of environmental health monitoring versus soiled bedding sentinels. Plos One.
Below we list all the individual publications that evaluate environmental health monitoring. Each publication includes a note of the specific pathogens evaluated and sampling types evaluated so you can easily search publications for those that are of most interestto you.
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The below publications are relevant to rodent health monitoring programs as they evaluate the efficacy of soiled bedding sentinel programs.